• Parent Connection

    From time to time, the school may select volunteers to help assist the staff and students.  Volunteers must follow all the rules at the extent as employees of the school and any additional rules or directives required. Volunteers needs to always check in at the front office before going to the classroom.

    At Academy of Dallas Charter School, we pride ourselves in being a school that is completely open to parents. We welcome parents as visitors as well as partners. We are always grateful for volunteers who can spend time with us during the day or on Saturdays. This can be rewarding not only for the children but for you as well.

    We recognize that not all parents have the time to spend helping out during the day. We are grateful for any time you can give us. Please call the office, 214-944-5544, in advance to plan volunteering days, or contact the AOD’s Front Office Manager to see what volunteering opportunities are available. ALL volunteers will be given a background check and must at all times wear a visitor badge.

    You can also give school supplies and resources as an act of support and to encourage your children that school is your number one priority as well.

    Like visitors, volunteers are required to sign-in in the front office and sign a form that acknowledges that they understand the policies and volunteer expectations of Academy of Dallas.

    We thank you for donating your volunteering time!